Friday, October 17, 2014


Mentioned these guys here before. Some friends of mine from the foamy Beer City in Wisconsin.

So this slab elbows and knees you in the gut to take you down, then crushes your limp ass like a hydraulic press. And then each of the 4 songs acts as torpedo strikes to destroy and finish off the rest of you. The bits and pieces that remain of your sad self, will know you went out getting the best ass-kicking you've ever had!

Consisting of 3 original, lurching chunks of heaviness, and a scuzzed-out, killer and barely recognizable Jawbreaker cover, this EP can be picked up as a 10" at the below at the link. The album art was designed and screen printed by band member, taco eater and head honcho of The Bureau of Print Research and Design. Batten down the hatches!!
(Forge Again Records/Triple Eye Industries - 2014)


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