Saturday, October 10, 2015


Dirt featured John Forbes of Mount Shasta and Phantom 309.
Grimey, grubby, grungy, bluesy and ugly Atlanta noise rock.
Mule meets Nashville Pussy meets Mudhoney.
(Tupelo - 1990)



Mark Prindle said...

I lived in Atlanta when these guys were around - I LOVED them. This is still one of my favorite "grunge" albums ever. It rocks! And their singer was so fun to watch - he had these HUGE bugged-out eyes. Really great stuff. When he moved to Chicago, he formed Mount Shasta and they tried to continue as Seersucker, but without his charisma and scream, they just couldn't pull it off. They did release one album - "Pushing Rope." It's alright, but it's no Dirt.

staticfraction said...

That's awesome! I never got to see 'em. Woulda been cool. I'll have to look up some youtube vids, see if anything floating around.

jonder said...

That shemale on the cover is Benjamin from Smoke, another late great Atlanta band.

staticfraction said...

Is it? I have a 7" from Smoke! good shit!

Anonymous said...

I found this at a thrift store ten years ago, Sad Hash is a really cool song, still something I play regularly. Wish I could find more about these guys.

Soundhacker said...

Is this the band that opened for Jesus Lizard and Sonic Youth whenever that was? Girl guitarist named Jennifer?

Jennifer Shurbet said...

Yes it is😘

Soundhacker said...

She's got a kid that's a visual artist. Amazing sht.